Thursday 7 November 2013

User 'Domain-name\User-name' does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed.

Error while trying to access Reporting Services Manager for a new installation of Reporting Services.

 As documented by TechNet, primary cause is that, on a new installation, only local administrators have access to a report server. To grant access to other users, a local administrator can use Report Manager to create new role assignments.

This fix worked for me:
Start IE browser by right-clicking and selecting Run as administrator. Then enter your Report Manager url, e.g. http://Server01/Reports_SQLEXPRESS2008. This should now get you to the Home folder in SQL Server Reporting Services. 

Once there, click on Folder Settings, to bring up the Security window, and then on the right hand side of the Security tab in the Group or User pane, there should already be a built-in user called BUILTIN\Administrators.

Click on New Role Assignment to add (in the format Domain\Username) any new user that needs access to Reporting Services Manager. Then select from one of the following predefined roles for the new user:

Browser:  May view folders, reports and subscribe to reports.
Content Manager: May manage content in the Report Server.  This includes folders, reports and resources.
My Reports: May publish reports and linked reports; manage folders, reports and resources in a users My Reports folder.
Publisher: May publish reports and linked reports to the Report Server.
Report Builder: May view report definitions.

In addition make sure intranet settings are enabled in IE. Even when typing your password in the authentication popup it may not work without intranet settings enabled.  See how to enable intranet settings here >>

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Cannot connect to [database name]. A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)

Server Name: Make sure you are typing server name (i.e. host name or computer name) correctly along with the proper instance name of an installed instance of SQL Server.

As, even using '(local)' or '(localhost)' can also cause this error:

Correct format is: Server-name\db-instance-name. e.g. Server01\SQLExpress2008

Also (if using Windows Authentication mode) make sure the format of the username is as follows: Server-name\User-name. e.g. Server01\Administrator

Friday 25 October 2013

Your role instances have recycled a number of times during an update or upgrade operation. This indicates that the new version of your service or the configuration settings you provided when configuring the service prevent the role instances from running. Verify your code does not throw unhandled exceptions and that your configuration settings are correct and then start another update or upgrade operation

After many days and countless hours of bug-hunting, hair-pulling & nail-biting, it turns out the cause of this error was from the 'Create Storage Connection String' dialogue window on the 'Caching' tab of  the properties page of the WebRole for my WindowsAzure website project.
Under 'Specify the storage account credentials to use for maintaining the cache cluster's runtime state', and then under 'Connect using:'

even after I've selected the second option, 'Your subscription' (where I specify the correct AccountKey) - whenever I re-enter this dialogue I notice the selected option seems to keep reverting back to the last option 'Manually entered credentials', which is using an incorrect AccountKey value. In this window it's fairly easy to see, even just from the first few characters of the AccountKey (green circles), that they no longer match up!

Ultimately, the upshot of this is that the Webrole's Run() method will throw an unhandled exception while you're attempting to deploy the app to Azure, causing the Webrole to recycle indefinitely, and thereby causing all deploy attempts to fail.

 So I know now it's always worth checking each time before a deploy to make sure that the correct 'Connect using:' option for Caching Storage Connection String is selected on this dialogue window!

Microsoft's warning:

more info here:

Friday 20 September 2013

How to disable Opera tooltips (or help popups)

In most any Opera browser, whenever you hover your mouse pointer over selected toolbar buttons or browser elements, a small piece of helpful information will show up. This is called a tooltip and is very handy for beginning Opera users. However, if you are an experienced computer user tooltips can be tiresome, and thankfully can be disabled:

1. Select "Tools" - "Preferences".

2. When the "Preferences" dialog box appears, click the "Advanced" tab.

3. In the left side of the window, click "Browsing".

4. Uncheck "Show tooltips".

5. Click "OK" to save your settings

Disable Tooltip Help >>

Friday 2 August 2013

SQL SERVER – Error 7308: MS Jet OLEDB 4.0 cannot be used for distributed queries because the provider is configured to run in single-threaded apartment mode.

FIX suggestion (which works for me), by Mitch Stokely:

1. On 64-bit servers and boxes, you need to first UNINSTALL all 32-bit Microsoft Office applications and instances (Access 2007 install, Office 10 32-bit, etc.). If you dont, you cannot install the new 64-bit Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable components. Yes, its a headache but the only way I found to install the new replacements for the JET engine components that need to run on 64-bit machines.

2. Download and install the new component from Microsoft:
* This will install the access and other engines you need to set up linked servers, OPENROWSET excel files, etc.

3. Open up SQL Server and run the following:

sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1;

EXEC master.dbo.sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', N'AllowInProcess', 1
EXEC master.dbo.sp_MSset_oledb_prop N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', N'DynamicParameters', 1

* This sets the parameters needed to access and run queries related to the components. 

4. Now, if you are running OPENROWSET calls you need to abandon calls made using the old JET parameters and use the new calls as follows:

(*Example, importing an EXCEL file directly into SQL):


SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(‘Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0′,’Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;Database=c:\PATH_TO_YOUR_EXEXCEL_FILE.xls’,'select * from [sheet1$]‘)


SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET(‘Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0′, ‘Excel 12.0;Database=c:\PATH_TO_YOUR_EXEXCEL_FILE.xls’,'select * from [sheet1$]‘)

*At this point resolved two SQL issues and ran perfectly

5. Now for the fun part…..find all your Office Disks and reinstall Office and/or applications needed back onto the machine. You can install the 64- bit version of Office 10 by going onto the disk and going into the 64-bit folder and running it but beware as in some cases some third party apps dont interface yet with that version of Office.

Hope that helps!

Mitch Stokely – Texas
Chief Internet Architect

See original post on Pinal Dave's blog here >>

SSMSE Error: Package 'Microsoft SQL Management Studio Package' failed to load

On Windows 8 (64-bit), after installing SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2 and installing SQL Server Management Studio Express, I could not get SSMSE to start up successfully - the IDE would open up with the following pop-up dialog error:

and then shut down when I click 'OK'

After scouring the web for a solution and unsuccessfully trying various suggestions, I eventually got to here: Duncan Smart's weblog; I was astounded when his very simple solution fixed my problem.

Fix: is to remove or rename this Registry subkey and then restart SSMSE:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools

For example rename the sub-key '100\Tools' to '100\Tools-old' or any other name.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools-old

Then re-open SSMSE and it will re-create this sub key and will start up successfully (after it displays a pop-up message about 'initializing the environment for the first time' or something along those lines).  


Friday 21 June 2013

Duplicate emails: Outlook 2010 IMAP email account sending duplicate (2) emails when sending email.

In outlook 2010: 

1) Click the File menu tab then
2) click 'Info', 'Account Settings'

3) on Email Tab, double-click the IMAP account
4) Click 'More Settings'
5) Select the 'Sent Items' tab
6) Un-select the radio button next to 'Save sent items in the following folder on the server'

by selecting the bottom radio button next to 'Save sent Items in the Sent Items folder on this computer'

7) Click 'OK', then click 'Next'

Outlook will then automatically send a test message which can help you verify whether the issue is resolved... 

Confirm by checking that there's now only 1 copy of the test email in your local 'Sent Items' folder.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Web Application Projects versus Web Site Projects in Visual Studio

In Visual Studio you can create web application projects or web site projects. You create or open a web application project by choosing New Project or Open Project in the Visual Studio File menu. You create or open a web site project by choosing New Web Site or Open Web Site in the File menu.
Each type of project has advantages and disadvantages, and it is helpful to understand the differences between them in order to select the best project type for your needs. You must select the appropriate project type before you create a project, because it is not practical to convert from one project type to the other.

For some scenarios, you do not have a choice. For example, if you want to create an
ASP.NET MVC application, you must use a web application project.

Scenarios in which web application projects are the preferred choice include the following:
  • You want to be able to use the Edit and Continue feature of the Visual Studio debugger.
  • You want to run unit tests on code that is in the class files that are associated with ASP.NET pages.
  • You want to refer to the classes that are associated with pages and user controls from standalone classes.
  • You want to establish project dependencies between multiple web projects.
  • You want the compiler to create a single assembly for the entire site.
  • You want control over the assembly name and version number that is generated for the site.
  • You want to use MSBuild or Team Build to compile the project. For example, you might want to add prebuild and postbuild steps.
  • You want to avoid putting source code on a production server.

Scenarios in which Web site projects are the preferred choice include the following:
  • You want to include both C# and Visual Basic code in a single web project. (By default, a web application is compiled based on language settings in the project file. Exceptions can be made, but it is relatively difficult.)
  • You want to open the production site in Visual Studio and update it in real time by using FTP.
  • You do not want to have to explicitly compile the project in order to deploy it.
  • If you do precompile the site, you want the compiler to create multiple assemblies for the site, which can include one assembly per page or user control, or one or more assemblies per folder.
  • You want to be able to update individual files in production by just copying new versions to the production server, or by editing the files directly on the production server.
  • If you precompile the site, you want to be able to update individual ASP.NET web pages (.aspx files) without having to recompile the entire site.
  • You like to keep your source code on the production server because it can serve as an additional backup copy.

    MSDN: Web Application Projects versus Web Site Projects in Visual Studio

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Trying to install reporting services for Microsoft SQL server on Windows 7, but the option to install reporting services is disabled in the setup?

Before you install SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services, you must enable Microsoft ASP.NET and Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). To enable ASP.NET and IIS, follow these steps:
  1. In Control Panel, click Programs, and then double-click Programs and Features.
  2. In the User Account Control dialog box, click Continue.
  3. Click Turn Windows features on or off.
  4. In the Windows Features dialog box, expand Internet Information Services, expand Web Management Tools, expand IIS 6 Management Compatibility, and then click to select the following check boxes:
    • IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
    • IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility
  5. Expand World Wide Web Services, expand Application Development Features, and then click to select the following check boxes:
    • ASP.NET
    • ISAPI Extensions
    • ISAPI Filters
  6. Expand Common HTTP Features, and then click to select the following check boxes:
    • Default Document
    • Directory Browsing
    • HTTP Errors
    • HTTP Redirection
    • Static Content
  7. Expand Security, and then click to select the Windows Authentication check box.
Note If you do not enable all these features, the Reporting Services option does not appear in the Feature Selection dialog box of the SQL Server Setup program. - kb934164

Wednesday 8 May 2013

How do I tell if my computer can run a 64-bit version of Windows?

To run a 64-bit version of Windows, your computer must have a 64-bit-capable processor. To find out if your processor is 64-bit-capable in Windows 7 or Windows Vista, do the following:
  1. Open Performance Information and Tools by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, and then clicking Control Panel. In the search box, type Performance Information and Tools, and then, in the list of results, click Performance Information and Tools.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In Windows 7, click View and print detailed performance and system information.
    • In Windows Vista, click View and print details.
  3. In the System section, you can see what type of operating system you're currently running under System type, and whether or not you can run a 64-bit version of Windows under 64-bit capable. (If your computer is already running a 64-bit version of Windows, you won't see the 64-bit capable listing.)
To see whether a computer running Windows XP is capable of running a 64-bit version of Windows, do the following:
  1. Click Start.
  2. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.
    • If "x64 Edition" is listed under System, your processor is capable of running a 64-bit version of Windows.
    • If you don't see "x64 Edition" listed, your processor still might be capable of running a 64-bit version of Windows. To find out for sure, download and run the free Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor from the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor webpage.


Tuesday 7 May 2013

Report Builder 3.0 error : Connection Failed. Unable to connect to the server that is specified in the URL

Report Builder 3.0 error

"Connection failed.
Unable to connect to the server that is specified in the URL,'http://servername/Reports_SQLEXPRESS2008'.
Make sure the server is running, the URL is correct, and you have permission to use the server."

I saw other suggestions for fixing this error such as:

a) to make sure that the SQL Server Version is SQL Server 2008 R2 as Report Builder 3.0 does not support SQL Server 2008 or below.
b) to make sure you're not missing off the trailing slash in the URL, i.e. http://server/ReportingServices instead of http://server/ReportingServices/
c) even with SQL Server 2008 R2 - Report Builder 3.0 can't connect when supplied with the correct URL, even though you can successfully deploy from BIDS to the same URL.

However, I found the cause can also be as simple as using the Report Manager URL, instead of the Web Service URL, in Report Builder's "Connect to Report Server" dialog box:

So, go into the Reporting Services Configuration Manager and make sure the URL you are typing into Report Builder is from the 'Report Server Web Service URLs' panel (see highlighted below):

and NOT from the Report Manager Site Identification URLs, as below:

Notice that TCP Port 80 is the default port and you will still be able to connect even if you leave out the default port number (:80) from the URL in Report Builder.

Saturday 4 May 2013

HResult 0x2, Level 16, State 1 Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2]. ...Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 : Login timeout expired.

With three SQL Server (Express) instances running, typing SQLCMD at a command line caused error:

HResult 0x2, Level 16, State 1
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 : A network-related or in
stance-specific error has occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server.
Server is not found or not accessible. Check if instance name is correct and if
SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. For more information see
 SQL Server Books Online..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 10.0 : Login timeout expired.

Some online sources I checked for a solution suggested making sure that in addition to the 'Shared Memory' protocol, that 'Named Pipes' and 'TCP/IP' protocols were also enabled (via SQL Server Configuration Manager).

However none of those steps resolved the issue. It seems the error can also be the result (if you have multiple Sql Server instances running) of not specifying a particular Sql Server instance-name in the SQLCMD command line, eg:


instead, this should be:

C:\>SQLCMD -S ServerName\InstanceName

Where ServerName and InstanceName are strings pointing to a) name of the server - aka 'Computer Name' - hosting your database and
b) the service name of a running instance of Sql Server, respectively.

For example the default instance-name for a free SQL Server Express installation is SQLEXPRESS, whereas for a licensed copy this is usually MSSQLSERVER.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Effective Clustered Indexes

Clustered indexes are the cornerstone of good database design. A poorly-chosen clustered index doesn't just lead to high execution times; it has a 'waterfall effect' on the entire system, causing wasted disk space, poor IO, heavy fragmentation, and more.

As a guideline, clustered Indexes should be Narrow, Unique, Static and Ever Increasing (NUSE).  Michelle Ufford Explains why...

A clustered index determines the physical order of data in a table. A clustered index is analogous to a telephone directory, which arranges data by last name. Because the clustered index dictates the physical storage order of the data in the table, a table can contain only one clustered index. However, the index can comprise multiple columns (a composite index), like the way a telephone directory is organized by last name and first name....

A nonclustered index is analogous to an index in a textbook. The data is stored in one place, the index in another, with pointers to the storage location of the data. The items in the index are stored in the order of the index key values, but the information in the table is stored in a different order (which can be dictated by a clustered index). If no clustered index is created on the table, the rows are not guaranteed to be in any particular order....

Wednesday 1 May 2013

What are the ten most common questions asked at interviews?

1. Why do you want this job?computing interview

One of the most predictable questions and very important! You need to demonstrate that you have researched the employer and tie your knowledge of them into the skills and interests that led you to apply. For example, an interviewee with a small public relations agency might say:

"I'm always ready to take on responsibility and feel this will come more quickly with a firm of this size. A small firm also gives the chance to build closer working relationships with clients and colleagues and I've found through my past work experience that this makes an organisation more effective as well as more satisfying to work in."

Try to find some specific feature on which the employer prides themselves: their training, their client base, their individuality, their public image, etc. This may not always be possible with very small organisations but you may be able to pick up something of this nature from the interviewer.


Monday 29 April 2013

Free Networking Tutorials, System Administration Tutorials and Security Tutorials

Getting certified in major IT products is the smartest move one can make. Certification can also boost confidence level. When you achieve the level of certification you desire, employers will recognize and reward your accomplishment. Certified IT professionals earn more when compared with a non-certified counterpart. In fact, many employers require certification for specific job roles. Even if you already have the job skills and experience required in order to perform your job successfully, certification will enhance your marketability.

Free Networking Tutorials - Basic Networking

Friday 12 April 2013

In windows 7 - searching for all files containing "A word or phrase in the file"

Here are all the steps you might need to follow to actually search file contents:

1. Make sure that Windows 7 is actually going to search files with your extension, and it appears that using this list properly is important *whether or not you are looking in an indexed location*!!
    a.  Hit the start button and type "search" in the search box.
    b.  Select "Change How Windows Searches"
    c.  Hit "Advanced"
    d.  Select the "File Types" tab.
    e.  Make sure the file extension for the files you want to search in is on the list *and* is set to "Index Properties and File Contents" (yes, pick your jaw up off the floor).  I know this appears to be for file indexing, but it does seem to make a difference on whether you find the file in non-indexed locations as well.
    f.  Say "Ok" and exit all the dialog boxes

2.  Actually perform your search on the folder in question.  Depending on some other settings you may have to type "content: spam" to find "spam" *in* the files instead of files with the word "spam" in the name.  Alternately, if you press the "Alt" key when you're exploring in the folder, you can choose "Tools / Folder Options" go to the "Search" tab and select "Always search file names and contents". - forum


You may run Windows Search and Indexing troubleshooter built in Windows 7 and check if it helps you fix the indexing issue. Access the link below and follow the steps to run Search and Indexing troubleshooter.

After running the Indexing troubleshooter rebuild Index and check if it helps.

To rebuild the index:
1.       Open the Control Panel from the Start menu.
2.       Open Indexing Options in the Control Panel.
3.      Note: If Indexing Options is not available, change View by to  Large icons at the top right of the Control Panel.
4.       Select the Advanced button in the Indexing Options window.
5.       Select Rebuild in the Troubleshooting section of the Advanced Options window.
6.       Select OK when asked if you’re sure you want to re-build the search index.

If rebuilding doesn't add the files, then you may add the folders manually to indexing and check if it helps. Access the link below and follow the steps in “How do I add or remove index locations?”  to add it manually. - forum - adittional info

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Opera Bookmarks annoyances

How to enable the Personal Bar:
Open the O Menu

Select "Settings"
Select "Toolbars"Check the check mark for "Personal Bar"

If you want the Bar to show in the old location of the Personal Bar:

Open the "Appearance dialog (Shift + F12) > Toolbars"

Click "Show hidden toolbars while customizing"

Above the Address Bar a Bar appears, click in once to mark it. (A Yellow outline shows around the bar)

Click "Placement" And select "Top" inside the Appearance Dialog

Mark the Bar located below the Address Bar, and choose "Placement Off"
Click OK

The Bar is now shown in the old location.

If you have a specific set of websites you visit often, you can make it easy to open all those websites at once using a bookmarks folder and a nickname. Typing a folder’s nickname in the address bar opens all the websites in that folder.

To do this, create a bookmarks folder, add some sites to it, and apply a nickname to it.

First, bookmark some sites you want to open using a nickname.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Windows 7 : Ten Things IT Professionals Should Know

Here are the top 10 things to know about Windows 7:

1 - Application compatibility
The Windows Vista operating system introduced architectural changes down to the kernel level that made the OS inherently more secure than Windows XP. However, this came at a cost; many applications needed modification to function properly in a Windows Vista environment. While at this point in the lifecycle of Windows Vista (post Service Pack 1) most applications are now compatible, deploying Windows Vista into the desktop environment early on required some “heavy lifting” and creative shimming—not to mention a few late nights.
Windows 7 is built on the same basic architecture as Windows Vista, so most applications will retain their compatibility between these operating systems. This alone will make adopting Windows 7 much less challenging than migrating from Windows XP to Windows Vista. If your organization is like many that are still standardized on Windows XP, you will need to transition to updated versions of your key applications, but the availability of Windows Vista–compatible versions and well-proven shims will make this task more manageable.

2 - Hardware compatibility and requirements
Much like the application compatibility issues, adopting Windows Vista early-on was a challenge because of the higher system requirements—such as RAM and graphics.  On the flip side, Windows Vista provides manageability and security that just isn’t available on Windows XP, and with more capable hardware, Windows Vista is able to perform a number of useful functions that improve productivity (such as Windows Search 4 and the Windows Aero desktop experience) and increase PC responsiveness (the ReadyBoost technology launches applications more quickly by maintaining a portion of frequently used applications in memory).
Windows 7 was designed to perform well on the same hardware that runs Windows Vista well, while delivering additional performance and reliability improvements. The design team for Windows 7 had a specific focus on the fundamentals—as well as maintaining compatibility with existing applications and hardware. In operation, you will find that Windows 7 boots faster and has a smaller memory footprint than Windows Vista.

3 - Better Together with Windows Server 2008
One of the key benefits of the modern operating system is that Windows 7 and the Windows Server 2008 operating system share a common code base, and are maintained with a single servicing model. This servicing model means updates and security updates are shared across both client PCs and servers, simplifying the process of maintaining an up-to-date infrastructure.
In addition, environments with both Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 unlock capabilities that extend functionality and help ensure a more secure environment. One example is DirectAccess, which allows management and updating of remote mobile PCs that are connected to the Internet, even when they are not connected to the corporate network. This capability helps ensure that remote users receive security patches on a timely basis, and allows IT to update configuration setting via Group Policy. For the end user, DirectAccess allows access to locations on the corporate network without using a virtual private network (VPN) connection. (In addition to Windows Server 2008 R2, DirectAccess requires IPSec and IPv6 implementation.)

4 - Extend data encryption to removable media
News reports are rife with stories about companies losing control over sensitive information. In some industries, this is an issue with grave legal implications, while in other situations the issue is inconvenience. Regardless, smart compliance policy dictates that sensitive information be safeguarded in the event of a lost or stolen laptop. Further, preventing sensitive information from being removed from corporate resources is a pillar of effective compliance management.
Windows 7 includes BitLocker technology, first implemented in Windows Vista, which now provides full encryption of all boot volumes on a PC; along with introducing BitLocker To Go that offers data protection on portable storage, such as USB flash drives. In addition, BitLocker Drive Encryption and BitLocker To Go can be managed via Group Policy, placing more control over sensitive information in the hands of the professionals.

5 - Control the application portfolio available to end users
Windows 7 features AppLocker, a new capability that allows IT administrators to specify which applications are permitted to run on a laptop or desktop PC. This capability helps you manage license compliance and control access to sensitive programs, but also importantly, it helps reduce the opportunity for malware to run on client PCs. AppLocker provides a powerful rule-based structure for specifying which applications can run, and includes “publisher rules” that keeps the rules intact though version updates.
To see how AppLocker is set up and managed, click here for a screencast demonstration.

6 - Automate routine tasks with powerful scripting
To help IT administrators better maintain a consistent environment and improve personal productivity, Windows 7 includes an updated graphical scripting editor, Windows PowerShell 2.0—a powerful, complete scripting language that supports branching, looping, functions, debugging, exception handling, and internationalization.
  • PowerShell 2.0 has an intuitive, graphical user interface that helps make script generation easier, especially for administrators who are not comfortable in command-line environments.
  • PowerShell 2.0 supports two types of remoting—fan-out, which delivers management scripts on a one-to-many basis, and one-to-one interactive remoting to support troubleshooting of a specific machine. You can also use the PowerShell Restricted Shell to limit commands and command parameters to system administrators, and to restrict scripts to those who have been granted rights.
  • PowerShell 2.0, with the Group Policy Management Console (available as a separate download), allows IT professionals to use scripting to manage Group Policy Objects and to create or edit registry-based group policy settings in Windows 7. Similarly, you can use PowerShell to configure PCs more efficiently, using richer logon, logoff, startup, and shutdown scripts that are executed through Group Policy.
Click here to take a quick tour of PowerShell 2.0.

7 - Troubleshoot faster and more effectively
Windows 7 provides rich tools to identify and resolve technical issues, often by the end users themselves. If a help desk call is unavoidable, Windows 7 includes several features and troubleshooting tools to help speed resolution.
  • The Problem Steps Recorder allows end users to reproduce and record their experience with an application failure, with each step recorded as a screen shot along with accompanying logs and software configuration data. A compressed file is then created that can be forwarded to support staff to help troubleshoot the problem.
  • Windows 7 includes a suite of troubleshooting packs, collections of PowerShell scripts, and related information that can be executed remotely by IT professionals from the command line, and controlled on the enterprise basis through Group Policy Settings.
  • Windows 7 also includes Unified Tracing to help identify and resolve network connectivity issues in a single tool. Unified Tracing collects event logs and captures packets across all layers of the networking stack, providing an integrated view into what’s happening in the Windows 7 networking stack and aiding analysis and problem resolution.
8 - Create, deploy, and manage images more efficiently
Windows 7 includes several tools to streamline the creation and servicing of the deployment image, and to get users up and running as quickly as possible.
The Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool in Windows 7 provides a central place to build and service Windows images offline. With DISM, you can perform many functions with one tool: mount and unmount system images; add, remove, and enumerate packages and drivers; enable or disable Windows features; configure international settings, and maintain an inventory of offline images that contain drivers, packages features, and software updates. Windows 7 also enables the same processes and tools to be used when managing virtual machine (VHD) and native file-based (WIM) image files.
Windows 7 also includes Dynamic Driver Provisioning, where device drivers are stored independent of the deployed image and can be injected dynamically based on the Plug and Play ID of the hardware, or as predetermined sets based on information contained in the basic input/output system (BIOS). Reducing the number of drivers on individual machines reduces the number of potential conflicts, ultimately minimizing setup time and improving the reliability of the PC.
When you are ready to deploy Windows 7, Multicast Multiple Stream Transfer enables servers to “broadcast” image data to multiple clients simultaneously, and to group clients with similar bandwidth capabilities into network streams to permit the fastest possible overall transfer rate while optimizing bandwidth utilization.
Watch a screen cast demonstration of the deployment tools for Windows 7 here.

9 - Easier migration of user data and profiles
Windows 7 includes enhancements to the User State Migration Tool (USMT), a command-line tool that you use to migrate operating system settings, files, and other user profile data from one PC to another. In Windows 7, USMT adds a hardlink migration feature for computer refresh scenarios, a capability that stores user data and settings in a common place on a drive, eliminating the need to “physically” move the files during a clean install.

10 - Improve user productivity in branch offices
Windows 7 introduces BranchCache, a technology that caches frequently accessed content from remote file and Web servers in the branch location, so users can access this information more quickly. The cache can be hosted centrally on a server in the branch location, or can be distributed across user PCs. One caveat: to take advantage of BranchCache, you will need to deploy Windows Server 2008 R2 on the related servers.

And, as a bonus:
Better support for client virtualization
Windows 7 delivers a richer experience when users are connected to a virtual desktop—much closer to the experience provides by a native Windows desktop. For example, Windows 7 provides multi-monitor support, bi-directional audio to enable Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and speech recognition applications, and access to local devices, such as printers.
So there you have it—the top 10 things you need to know about Windows 7 (okay, we couldn’t stop until we hit “11”)—and if you have ideas for how to best annoy your office mates, it’s probably best to keep those to yourself!

Quick Launch tool bar in Windows 7 missing?

Rise up this morning...

my wish a rising sun,
three little birds,
is by my door-step....

sorry, got distracted!

Rise up this morning....and my Windows 7even Quick Launch tool bar has disappeared! What?????

I click F1 for help, and a quick browse through help pages reveals "The Quick Launch toolbar isn't included in this version of widows"!

double What??????

''What you talking 'bout Willis"?  

Well fear not....if this has happened to you too,
get your Quick Launch tool bar back with this  >> Enable the Quick Launch bar in Windows 7:

However, if you're a dummy, then go here>> instead!